A sketchbook of 2020

drawings, thoughts, research, notes & bits.

Drawings made at home using colour pencil, markers, pens on paper. Could be expanded into large scale drawings (currently A3 size) or continue to work in a series perhaps representing different rhythms - I'm not sure yet but they seem to be taking a shape of something.

I've been thinking & reading about
Synchronicity (Carl Jung) | Quantum Entaglements | TIME (who hasn't!?) | Astrology & Various Chart readings

Collective consciousness & archetypes:

Chronic/Kaironic/Aionic Time

Chronos - Saturn - Ego - Chronological time - chronic time - linear - time as resource - death anxiety

Kairos - Uranus - Soul Time - Timeliness - creative - expansive - time of the soul - potentiality

Aion - Neptune - Unbounded - Sacred - Eternal - Infinite - "Aionic time is our immeasurable movement of experienctial intensificaiton toward our unique but no less cosmic destiny" Matthew Segall

Our individual rhythms and time signatures that we express and how our our psychic rhythms are in tune with the planetary rhythms and their cycles.

Each of us the micro to the macro of the Universe - "As Above, So Below"

A Family Constellation
The Truth Teller
The Water Bearer
The Scape Goat
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"I say, "Hail!" to Inanna, First Daughter of the Moon!" 🌙Last post from me, @niamhmol this Sunday☀️ Using ritual, rhythm and the qualities of time can we experience ourselves, the world and the cosmos through the magic of pleasurable enchantment? 1. Detail from You Like It Wet and Slippy (2019) 2. Honey Drips on Your Heart (2019) 3. Screen grab of Maria Callas in Medea (1969) directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini 4. Excerpt from Saor do Leannán, a Leamhain (Your Lover is Noble, O Leven) by Muireadhach Albanach Ó Dálaigh A 12th century song written about the river Leven & the Earl of Lennox - validating his claim to the area north of Loch Lomond. It describes the Gaelic custom of marrying the king or chieftain to the land. The rites involved robing, the bestowal of a wand of kingship, & the performance of a clockwise turn, imitating the daily passage of the sun across the sky. 5. Studio experiment - An Offering - pigment, honey, charcoal, apple scent, wax & drawing on glassine paper. 6. Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer by Diane Wolkstein & Samuel Noah Kramer #venus #inanna #morningstar #venusstarpoint #song #rhythm #gaeliccustom #royaldignity #devotion #mariacallas #medea #femininerage #offerings #wax #honey #silk #wine #mirror #artistresearch #apple #scent #ritual #drawing #time #16nicholsonstreet #artistsoninstagram #glasgow

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"Matter is never a settled matter." @niamhmol here starting off Sunday with a quote from Karen Barad. Through ritual can we achieve transmutation? Using materials, symbols and language can we experience our bodies in relationship with the land and the cosmos? 1. Writing experiment 2. Studio experiment with wax, pigment, mirror, rose petals, wine & honey 3. Agrippa's seals for Venus 4. Venus with Cupid Stealing Honey (1530) by Lucas Cranach the Elder The text on the painting reads: "While little Cupid stole from a beehive a honeycomb, a bee stung the thief's finger. Such is the short-lived lust we strive for, harmful and mixed with sad sorrow." 5. Ritual for the Full Moon in Scorpio October 2019 #venus #ritual #morningstar #rebirth #matter #material #art #artistresearch #studioexperiments #mirror #honey #senual #touch #taste #sweetness #offering #glasgow #16nicholsonstreet #artistsoninstagram #writing #rosepetals #aphrodite #grá #wine #wax #fullmoon #scorpio #cupid #karenbarad

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"Whatever is born or done this moment of time, has the qualities of this moment of time." @niamhmol here again starting with a quote from C.G. Jung While studying time certain patterns emerge. We are currently in the midst of a Saturn conjunct Pluto alignment. Their close connection may express through qualities of restriction, focus, power struggle, transformation affecting the collective in a myriad of ways. Each individual birth chart is subsumed under high level collective charts (such as those for countries). Collective transits may outweigh those of the individual. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 1. Drawing of a kite pattern in my birth chart 2. Saturn conjunct Pluto timings taken from Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas 3. & 4. ♈ New Moon transits for Ireland & Britain March 2020 5. The Transit Scrolls - pencil drawings on paper #astromaps #cosmosandpsyche #artistresearch #drawing #archetypes #cosmology #patternsoftime #ariesnewmoon #glasgow #cgjung #richardtarnas #transits #scrolls #keepingtime #rhythm #timedrawnout #drawingtime #saturnconjunctpluto #2020 #natalchart #subsumption

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How we experience time/how does time taste/ the texture of time/ time & (un)consciousness / How to represent time/ time through the birth chart - Solar Returns - Chart subsumptions - capturing momentary transits - drawing time,
drawing down time,
drawing upon time
drawing out time
Time drawn out