Drawings made at home using colour pencil, markers, pens on paper. Could be expanded into large scale drawings (currently A3 size) or continue to work in a series perhaps representing different rhythms - I'm not sure yet but they seem to be taking a shape of something.
I've been thinking & reading about
Synchronicity (Carl Jung) | Quantum Entaglements | TIME (who hasn't!?) | Astrology & Various Chart readings
Collective consciousness & archetypes:
Chronic/Kaironic/Aionic Time
Chronos - Saturn - Ego - Chronological time - chronic time - linear - time as resource - death anxiety
Kairos - Uranus - Soul Time - Timeliness - creative - expansive - time of the soul - potentiality
Aion - Neptune - Unbounded - Sacred - Eternal - Infinite - "Aionic time is our immeasurable movement of experienctial intensificaiton toward our unique but no less cosmic destiny" Matthew Segall
Our individual rhythms and time signatures that we express and how our our psychic rhythms are in tune with the planetary rhythms and their cycles.
Each of us the micro to the macro of the Universe - "As Above, So Below"
A Family Constellation
The Truth Teller
The Water Bearer
The Scape Goat
How we experience time/how does time taste/ the texture of time/ time & (un)consciousness / How to represent time/ time through the birth chart - Solar Returns - Chart subsumptions - capturing momentary transits - drawing time,
drawing down time,
drawing upon time
drawing out time
Time drawn out